daxcat79 wrote in dwicons Feb 19, 2012 17:14
eleven, donna noble, rory williams, jack harkness, river song, martha jones, catherine tate, amy pond, ten, david tennant
vanessa_mora wrote in dwicons Dec 22, 2011 14:56
catherine tate
ladyinthetardis wrote in dwicons Nov 06, 2011 23:11
eleven, catherine tate, animated, simm!master, david tennant
meathiel wrote in dwicons Nov 04, 2011 19:50
eleven, rory williams, martha jones, catherine tate, tardis, nine, karen gillan, the curse of the black spot, donna noble, rose tyler, jack harkness, river song, day of the moon, matt smith, amy pond, david tennant, ten
mysteryof wrote in dwicons Jun 27, 2011 01:58
nine, eleven, the big bang, rory williams, rose tyler, catherine tate, amy pond, a christmas carol, ten, david tennant
cifan70 wrote in dwicons Jun 02, 2011 06:55
river song, eleven, donna noble, catherine tate, amy pond, david tennant, ten
solar_contrast wrote in dwicons May 01, 2011 04:13
karen gillan, eleven, the impossible astronaut, donna noble, rory williams, day of the moon, river song, catherine tate, arthur darvill, amy pond, ten, david tennant
zoicite wrote in dwicons Apr 17, 2011 14:27
river song, eleven, catherine tate, david tennant
welshgirl15 wrote in dwicons Apr 04, 2011 22:00
billie piper, donna noble, freema agyeman, rory williams, rose tyler, martha jones, catherine tate, arthur darvill, amy pond, daleks, the beast below, simm!master
mrsdianablack wrote in dwicons Jan 20, 2011 15:35
michelle ryan, billie piper, catherine tate, freema agyeman, david tennant